life updates

Oct 09, 2005 05:44

Yesterday the family went to jessica_420's company picnic at Old Tucson. Well, actually, it wasn't a company picnic. Instead, it was the Halloween Fright Night thing at Old Tucson and some genius at Jess' work thought it would be a great idea to subsidize employee entrance costs to an event no one in their right mind would go to in the first place.

Not that I ever got into the whole carnival atmosphere of these things, but I could forgive the Jersey Shore boardwalk productions of Fright Night stuff. Because unlike the Shore, Old Tucson is now taxpayer-subsidized. For the non-locals, Old Tucson is where a lot of old westerns were filmed, but now it's just a crappy museum of "this is where that scene in Red River was filmed." Business was so poor that the owners complained to the county that "we can't afford to let this treasure fall by the wayside" - and the supervisors, politicians that they are, threw money at the dive.

We got to socialize with Jess' co-workers (the ones we socialize with are people I like) and for a much lower price we got to find out that we never want to go back there, so in that regard it was worth it.
While we were out yesterday, Jess told me that reasonbaby now says "Home" whenever she turns from the main drag onto our turn-off near the house. We live very close to the main drag, less than a half-minute from that turn-off, but you can't see the house from there - so he must be recalling the turn-off. We came home from the opposite direction last night so I didn't get to see it, but I'm eager now.

Stefan's new favorite toy is "Keys!" Please, next time you see him, don't have your keys out, and preferably don't keep them in your front pockets (where I keep mine), because he will stop and frisk you and reach into your pocket and take your keys and never EVER return them. And if you need your keys back, then we'll hear about it for the rest of the day. So we keep them hidden in a basket completely out of reach, but that doesn't matter - because he knows where they are and he keeps dragging us to the front door to point at the key basket. I can think of a lot worse things for a child to have a fixation on though.

Stefan has also learned the concept of apologizing and asking for forgiveness when he realizes he did something bad. Whenever Jess or I get mad at him for doing something like throwing sharp objects in the direction of our heads, he grabs a leg (or the closest bodypart he can reach) and kisses it.
Yesterday afternoon I called in my folks to babysit while I joined mccalix and Kyle and Susan at the movies to see Serenity. It was excellent. My only complaint was that there were too many wisecracks in the script. Every single wisecrack fit properly in the film (not like they were trying to create a catchphrase for any particular actor), but the quantity was a little too high for my tastes. Kyle has complained about every movie I've ever seen with him (most recently, Hitchhiker's Guide wasn't as good as the book), and even he had no complaints - so if you're on the fence, let Kyle be your guide on this one.
My body is now on a 9pm to 5am sleeping schedule. I don't know how this happened, but I can't say that I have too many complaints. It's 6am now and I'm watching the sun rise out my window as I type this.
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