May 28, 2005 04:12
It was one of those weird friday nights. I bit of the norm mixed with the not so normal. Watching someone go through a process of an expanding mind is such an inspiration for me. A few of my friends, including myself, seem to have this effect on people that I can't quite explain. Seeing people argue, agree to disagree, and take in all the angles and sides of a topic is so amazing to me. I want to continue to do so for the rest of my life.
A lot of my friends are very supportive of the goals that I've set for myself. I want to follow a path that has very high standards of education, and it really helps when I hear, "It's going to be an amazing thing when you prove everyone that thought otherwise wrong." - R. Barr. It also helps when two different people that have never talked about my writing to each other tell me that I should start writing a book.
I honestly think this is my reason for being here.