Sep 28, 2009 15:26
Hey world out there!
Rachel- welcome back to LJ can you be in my life more?
ive been spending an enormous amount of time in my room/house studying, sleeping moping about, moving things about etc its getting lonley but thats ok. Most of the people i have been friends with in the past are sending my signals that they dont want such a relationship anymore. no one calls me or invites me places and the other day kai and becca (and a couple others) actually walked out of the feve while i was in the bathroom (i had been chilling with them) ah well...... i fear i did something rediculous like kiss someone in front of colin er something like that on saturday night... of course i was drunk and dont remember. fuck. i have gotten laid every weekend but this one but i did try... in other news i really miss having a boyfriend! but i dont really have any friend right now so i will have to make friends then a boyfriend. as i learned having sex with someone doesnt make them want to be your friend but they arent automatically your friend either of course. i am meeting a bunch of new people and still chilling with the old ones, even if they dont want to be so friendly i can be nice to them and maybe they will remember that im fun
ive been feeling mucho better about myself which is probably just because of all the serotonin building up in my synapses but its so helpful!! instead of thinking about how i suck i think about how i can be fun/have fun. i also think about school a lot more! ive been doing pretty well at keeping up with my work (though i have less than previous semesters) neuroanatomy is really boring! we just have to memorize shit and arent learning about what anything does. but drawing, english (with laura baudot!) economics and bowling are fun! i got a neato ball called the vibe haha its black and so sparkleyyy and blue and purple shoes! fun times
Ok well everyone its so nice to hear about your lives! Today God's book recording how everyone did this year is closing, some are fasting but im just reflecting and writing down some goals etc.