Triped out Artsy Idea for my computer classes... or an assignment for those who are interested

Mar 03, 2009 21:21

Tripped-out Artsy Idea for my computer classes... or an assignment for those who are interested
I've been working on a project. It started form the idea of cell phones and the increased use of electronic communication in relation to decreasing face-to-face time. While I am not knocking electronic communication because some of the people I have met online have been an island of sanity when all else is insane, I do want my students to be cognizant of the fact that cell phones are a social reality.
I am reading an article on cell phone use and social connectedness, and one of the social uses for cell phones among teenagers is personal expression. Or at least that is the sentence I fixated on. I had the idea, originally, to have them string together a week’s worth of text messages and see who can get the longest strip of text using a 12 point Arial or Helvetica font. After it was pointed out to me, this risked a gross violation of privacy. It would also be tedious to make, and while it makes a fantastic gallery type work, having a curtain of text messages from ninety some-odd people; it would probably not captivate the students. So I thought about still using text messages as a reflection of self. They are the way in which people relate to you, and you relate to others in short snippets of text. It can also show the deterioration, and back-alley-assault on the English Language. So I thought using photoshop, you could create a neat self portrait based entirely on text.
I went on to make a teacher sample, which you can find
L33t Sp3ak-s3lf
If you are interested in undertaking something like this, comment. I’ll send you instructions.
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