Jan 23, 2012 21:27
They own a cute chihuahua named Chloe. They've bred Chloe 3 times in 18 months. After the first litter, she was hypocalcemic (she had no calcium in her body) and it nearly killed her. The vets saved her and admonished the owners to give Chloe a Tums every day, esp if she was pregnant or nursing. The owners immediately bred her again and didn't bother with calcium. The previous events were repeated. They bred her a third time. She had the pups last week. Tonight she's in the ER again, dammit. We were able to set her right again (and now Chloe and I are pals) but we had to give her back to the idiots. Ridiculous.
Meanwhile, I finally met the head vet, who is a celebrity in Baltimore and oftens treats celebrity pets when they're in town. (There are photos of him with Ben Affleck, Hilary Swank, etc around the hospital.) Problem is, when we met, I had just been bitten by a cat and was flushing out the cut. He was not amused, but was very worried. Cat bites are the big concern for humans, cats have nasty bacteria in their mouths that cause equally nasty infections. So he hovered while I washed it out a half dozen times. What a way to meet the boss!