Jun 05, 2014 17:31

Hi Guys!
I'm not sure how many friends I have still left in here but I'm gonna do something big and I'd like to share it with everyone. Like I said in my last post here and here .
Alright, since those 2 times, I actually have to say I was pretty proud and not proud of myself.
I had upgraded to 183 lbs in january and then went down to 161 lbs because I was really into it and I felt really good about it. I went to gym almost 5-6 times a week for around 2h per time. I felt really great about myself and I ate healthy receipes. I was happy and I felt good.
Now, I just went up to the scale and I'm at 178.4 lbs. I'm fucking ashamed and I feel like a bloating bag of mcdo lastest burger. For freaking sake's, I feel so fat that I think I could be McDonald's new icon star!
So here. I wanna change for good. For myself and for something that's blown my heart away yesterday but in a good way.
I was driving and my boyfriend was with me. He's been with me for almost 3 years now (been living together for 2 years) and he met me when I was at 225 lbs. Never went on a date with a girl fat like me but felt hard for me anyway. ANYWAYS, the thing is, I was driving and we said something between those lines:

"I'm ugly right?" (me)
"No, you're pretty and even though you could be prettier, I'll love you even if you weighted 100 lbs more" (him)<
"Aww honey..."
"It's just, you know, it would be the greatest gift you could ever do for me. Because you'll be even more prettier"

Seriously, he really isn't a dick about my weight. He's also really watching out for me by baking and making healthy receipes for both of us so that I could lose pounds. He's a sweetheart and I love him really much. Honestly, many times I told him I would lose weight and I know that for him it's not only about appearances, but tells me I'm going to have it really difficult if I still have all that weights more when we'll want to have kids and that I might get diabeties like my grand fathers on both side of my family.

So here I am, starting on this big adventure and wandering if there's anyone who wants to lose weight with me? I'd like to go down to 140 lbs (so basically lose 38 lbs) but I invited anyone who wants to loose weight with me to come on this big adventure with me. I'd love to share post of heatly receipe, of how we're dropping off and everything you think could be useful.

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