May 20, 2007 23:07
So I'm unpacked.
Turns out I have a lot of shit.
I knew that already tho
But right now I feel like a freshman moving to college for the first time again
Put all your earthly possessions into a room not big enough to hold a bed
(actually my room is quite nicely sized, I just don't have the furniture for it)
So now, I've got a room that looks like the ADD that I have
My bed is a big cuddly pile of red softness
Above one window there's my favorite blue hippy shawl
Above the other is my Tigers foam finger... strike that... paw
Then there's my computer
and mirror on the same table
with my makeup case next to it
Above all that are my Buddhist prayer flags
Underneath those on the next wall is my Say Anything poster
with my laundry basket underneath for all to see
Next wall has my dresser which is topped by about 10 framed pictures
Over that hangs a David Bowie record
Next is a weird shelf thing that obviously used to be a closet
which holds from the top shelf down:
Hats and belts covered by a picture of Evan and I
My books and "going out purse"
nail stuff and jewelery
Hair accouterments (blow dryers curling irons etc)
Movies various nicks and nacks
photo albums, laundry detergent and the 4 stuffed animals that I own
Then is my actual closet.
Weird. Just weird.
I don't like having to shove my whole life into a little square
O well.
I do like it here.
Roommates are no prob so far
Gonna buy some fabric tomorrow to cover aforementioned shelf-monstrosity
So that's that.