Oct 08, 2004 00:45
--DEAR GIRLS ((you know who you are)): Do you actually have anything better to do with your lives to sit here and read my journal? Because honestly, think about how lame that is... and plus, nothing in here concerns *ANY* of you, and don't think that it is going to come back to me... GoT iT?! So MeAnwHiLe... don't you guys hate it when, one girl reads this- then tells another one about it, then tells another one... That sucks, but then again it was a mistake on my part... OH one more thing b4 I go... I don't see your boyfriends sitting here and *NOT* talking to me over this, or in general... Honestly, they probably talk to me *MORE* then you, and probably see me more times a week then do with you... So think about that one, and then talk shit about me- beacuse its obvious on who's really getting screwed here, and its dEfInAtELy *NOT* me!