Well, I just got back from a seminarian gathering in the mountains. It was quite an experience to be crammed into a larger than average house with 14 of my brothers, all studying to be priests for the
Diocese of Colorado Springs. It was a fruitful few days away from the computer, after a few days away from the internet.
The highlight of the retreat was
perpetual adoration. I ended up taking the extra slots, so I got to spend a fair bit of time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In that time, I had a couple interesting meditations, especially concerning leadership and truth, which I will flesh out and post. I probably should also talk a bit about Eucharistic Adoration, since without that none of the good stuff that happened would have happened.
I don't know what the opposite of a highlight is (maybe a blooper, but not quite), but I was one of three seminarians who was interviewed for our annual diocesan appeal video. I was asked why I wanted to be a priest and what I looked forward to most. I hope that they decide to not use my footage, but with only three of us, its hard to know how exactly it will get edited together. One thing I do know is that up in the Archdiocese of Denver, being in vocational promotion literature is practically a curse on the vocation, since almost everyone who is featured in vocational literature ends up leaving.
Most of all, it was very good to get away with my brothers, hang out, and have many meaningful conversations. To disclose the content of our conversations would require many "deep thought" warnings, since we all have philosophical training and are very similarly minded guys.