Rush rocks!
Ok, I know that just about everyone who reads my blog is rolling their eyes. But I am continually amazed that there is so much good music out there that I have passed by.
As many of you know, I an a HUGE
Yes fan. Yes, is of course, the consummate
Progressive Rock band. And I also love
many other Prog Rock bands . Prog Rock is one of my "things", as the kids say. But for a long while Rush, another of the Prog Rock legends, has not really been a part of my listening spectrum. The reason is that many years ago when I was in middle school, when all my friends and I were just getting into Classic Rock, there was a little falling out. I discovered Yes. One of my other friends, Jeff, discovered Rush. We brought our discoveries to the group, and there was some dissension. The mainline of the group seemed to reject both, keeping with the party line of Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin. Jeff and I however, continued to pound the drums of Rush and Yes. And because of that a resentment of Rush took root withing my musical tastes.
Since then I have pretty much not paid Rush much attention. Oh how wrong I was! In recent years I have opened up to Rush a bit more, realizing the bullheadedness of my youth was completely unfounded. Last weekend
hilhas1 and I went to a Rush concert here in Indy. WOW! It was freakin' awesome! Why, oh why, Lord God did I not realize this before?
So Yes, now I am also a die hard Rush fan. Jeff, if you are out there, you were right as well.