★ Updated: 3 October 2021
We have been getting a lot of messages from new fans recently, so we've decided to compile a list of useful links for Arashi fans, new and old alike.
If you have other resources you feel should be added to this post, if you or your community are cited below and the write up is wrong, or if you or your community are cited here and you want to remove the link/citation, please send us a PM or leave a comment.
Official/Non-Fan-created Resources
General Arashi Communities
- arashi_on: This general Arashi community is the most active one for international fandom. It's a melting pot of Arashi fandom updates. Membership open, posting moderated.
- arashi_off: This is the Dreamwidth (DW) version of the a_ra_shi community below. Membership open, posting open.
- a_ra_shi: Another Arashi community on LJ, though not as active as arashi_on. Membership open, posting open.
Currently Active Guides
- Arashi Discography Guide by nachosnpaprika in projectpaprika: This very detailed spreadsheet contains the titles of every single, album, and concert released by Arashi, a complete tracklist of each release, and a cross-referenced list of tracks and which concerts they were performed in. Still updated. Say your thanks here.
- Arashi Track Titles by tapsilogue in tamagoes: This detailed spreadsheet contains the titles of every track Arashi has ever released, with each title available in Kanji, Romaji, and English. Special notes also explain what each track was used for (CM, drama, movie, etc.). Still updated. Say your thanks here (🔒).
- VS Arashi Episode Guide by nachosnpaprika in projectpaprika: This insanely detailed spreadsheet contains the episode numbers, release dates, and guest lists of each VS Arashi episode. It also has a cross-referenced list of games, how much each member scored, which team/s won, and many more, and covers all VS Arashi episoes. Still updated. Say your thanks here.
- VS Arashi Episode Guide by 18-sz: This is a general episode guide with the date, episode number, and guest list of each VS Arashi episde, and covers all VS Arashi episodes. Not sure if still updated.
- Arashi ni Shiyagare Episode Guide by burningfairy382: This is a general episode guide with the date, episode number, and guest list of each Arashi ni Shiyagare episde, and covers episode 1 (24 April 2010) to 178 (26 April 2014). No longer updated.
- Arashi ni Shiyagare Episode Guide by hatori-sachiyo: This is a general episode guide with the date, episode number, and guest list of each Arashi ni Shiyagare episde. It also includes a more general breakdown of which corners are in the episode, and covers episode 179 (3 May 2014) to present. Not sure if still updated.
- Guide of Johnny's appearing in other Johnny's shows by hedwig3: This is a general guide arranged by show with the date and JE member who was featured in the episode, and covers 1995 to 2016. It was last updated at the end of 2016. Not sure if still updated.
Active Raw Sources
- arashigoodies / arashigoodies: This is a well-organized and comprehensive collection of recent raws. It also has posts organized by member. Regularly updated; membership moderated.
- chesutosakurai / ninotendo: Regularly updated collection of raws. The tags are really well-organized and easy to navigate. LJ comm is egularly updated; DW comm membership is open, LJ is moderated.
Other Arashi Indexes
- arashiproject: This is a collective project that aims to revive dead links in inactive fansubbing communities. It has so far revived a hefty number of dead links and communities and is a good source for older/classic Arashi content.
- we_make_storm: This is the original Arashi subbed videos index, covering everything from the pre-debut era to around late 2013.
- arashic-index: This is another Arashi subbed videos index that ranges from pre-debut to 2014.
- kazunari@dreamwidth Mago Mago Arashi | Arashi no Shukudai-kun | Himitsu no Arashi-chan Part 1 / Part 2 | Arashi ni Shiyagare | VS Arashi: This is a thorough Arashi subbed videos index that combines the details of Episode Guides with those of usual subbed videos indexes. It is very detailed and complete for the most part.
- JE Subbed Videos Index: This is a very thorough, organized, and comprehensive subbed videos index for every Johnny's group/artist since time immemorial.
Meta Resources
- Ultimate Arashi Starter Guide by winkychan: Thisi is the Ultimate starter guide for new Arashi fans. Insanely detailed, from where to begin to where to go next. A must read for new fans.
- sub-sub-gakkou: This is a tutorial community for fans who want to learn how to fansub. It comes with sample files, video tutorials, and even a resource post for pretimed files, available translation, and the like. It also has a post where fans who want to work on projects can ask for help where needed. This is very useful if you want to help out in fandom.
- Concert Analysis by nachosnpaprika in projectpaprika: This is an insanely detailed statistics guide of Arashi concerts, setlists, and the like. It includes a lot of graphs and interesting results.
- listening-storm: This is a community where fans can write reviews and analyses of songs by Arashi and other JE groups.
- arashi_bangumi / arashi_bangumi: This is a community of fans who review and recap various Arashi TV shows.
- Arashi Fashion Squad / Twitter: This is a regularly updated reference blog that deals with anything related to Arashi fashion, from fashion reviews to ID-ing what they wear to runway comparisons.
- Arashi Fandom Survey by tapsilogue: This is an interesting look at the state and makeup of international Arashi fanadom and fan opinions and preferences. It also a lot of graphs and interesting results.
Other Comms
Old Guides