No, not a reference to any song by the Bloodhound Gang. Really.
More the fact that my house is a little ecosystem full of unwanted-yet-interesting life.
I was going to try to get a photo of the weird rash/bite thing on my calf that I swear looks just like the constellation of Orion, but it's really tricky for a camera-inept person like me to photograph the back of their own calf. So you'll just have to take my word for that one. I also had photos of Wallace the Woodlouse and Fred the Bathroom Spider to share, but the photos aren't great. So, I bring you this, which appeared in the bathroom this morning whilst I was lazing in the bath and was so pretty it just begged to have its picture taken. My camera does not do it justice.
My favourite colours. It's sort of goth. It's a goth moth. How cool is that?