Dear Myspace kiddies/Harry Potter fans/whatever the hell kind of fandom you came from people* who have recently migrated to Doctor Who fandom,
I know you're probably sick of hearing the oldbie Whovians telling you that this is a fandom with a long and illustrious history of all that is right and good in the world. They usually follow that with stuff about how New Who is all wank and younger fans have no taste, don't appreciate real sci-fi and have no manners, and that everything from snow to ice lollies to rationing to music was so much better in their day. Normally I'd be right with you being sick of hearing them, hell, I'd be plotting where next to hide their false teeth and what to switch their Sanatogen with. But guys, this is me here, a newbie-ish fandom participant, telling some of you to remember where you are and STFU. Take your juvenile little pairing-wars somewhere else, Harry Potter fandom or something (it's not like anyone would notice a difference), I don't care so long as it's not anywhere near me. There's no such thing as bad taste, only different, and I stand by my Ten/Jack/Tardis/Martha/Sonic Screwdriver/Bilis Manger/Novice Hame/Ianto's Tie/Rose OT3x3. You can have whoever's left that's still got the energy when I'm done with them.
There's no such thing as a bad pairing in my book, only a badly written one. If people aren't writing exactly the type of fic you want to read, you could always GROW THE FUCK UP and either stop being so picky, issue a fic challenge (without any wank about how much you hate everything else but what you're suggesting) or write some yourself. Those things in the headers of fics that list pairings and warnings are there to tell you, if you're honestly so anal about who gets to shag who and whether or not there's any anal involved in that, that if you don't like the pairing or how the bits are put together you might want to try READING SOMETHING ELSE rather than leaving your unimaginative and entirely brainless comments on something it is beyond your capacity to appreciate. You know what my OTP is right now (apart from Ten/everyone ever, Jack/everyone ever and either with random household objects)? You/wood chipper. Go fuck yourselves. That's probably the only person you're old enough to fuck anyway.
Honestly, I haven't seen anything this childish since... er... Nine/Rose vs Ten/Rose.
No love, lube or kitties
* delete as appropriate