Feedback Policy

Mar 04, 2007 20:13

If you're in a hurry, the icon pretty much says it all.

I'm not popular in any of my fandoms. I'm a newbie in some of them. That probably means most people won't even read what I have to say. I'd like to have the confidence to tell 'most people' that they're missing out, but I don't, so I'll just say that if you read my fics I hope you enjoy them, or at least that they pass the time in a way that doesn't make you wish you could get it back. Commenting on my fics will not get you noticed by the BNFs. I don't even know who most of them are, and they certainly don't know who I am. I cannot give you the keys to the fandom. All comments will actually get you is my appreciation (and you can't even exchange that for chocolate). Unless of course you say anything at all negative, in which case I'll throw all my toys out of my pram and scream and scream and scream until I'm sick. Then I'll hunt you down and kill you to death with my death ray of death that I don't have.

Look, I went to a bog-standard comprehensive school. I worked bloody hard there, but I still left barely knowing how to use a comma properly. I've learned more from the miniscule number of people who've given me honest feedback about mistakes I make than I did over the whole course of GCSE English. If I'm doing something wrong, I'd rather know now than carry on looking stupid. Of course, it deprives you of future opportunities to mock my stupid, but there you go.

I really appreciate any and all feedback. I post on lj only, which means I can't even tell if people are reading. Whether you comment just to say that you read it and don't want to scratch your eyes out with a spoon (or if you actually have a sense of logic, want to scratch my eyes out with a spoon), or you tell me something you liked about it or something that didn't work for you, I'll be glad you took the time. I won't hold future work to comment-ransom, and commenting won't make me write more. It won't make me write less either. But anyway, comments are nice.



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