Prologue: Dangerous Games by AJ (HP, NC-17, Draco/Ginny)

Oct 25, 2006 13:57

Title: Dangerous Games
Written by: AJ
Genre/Universe: Het kink, HP post-Hogwarts AU
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Ginny
Word count: 1445 for the prologue, 3883 in total.
Warning(s): Humiliation, internal and external watersports, hint of D/s.
Disclaimer: Some characters and details featured herein are the property of JK Rowling and Warner Bros, no credit is claimed for them and no money is being made. I promise to give everyone a quick wash before I put them back where I found them.
Notes: Crossposted to hpsmut and hp_squick. I think this one qualifies for the Bunny Euthanasia Project. You know those dares where you have to tell the scariest ghost story you can? This was a squick dare, where I took two of my least favourite squicks and tried to make something out of them that I could live with. It’s been through eleven rewrites, three changes of fandom and four pairing changes, but I’m done with it. Feedback welcome.
Archive: Just ask.

Summary: After the events of Book Six, Draco disappears into a world where no-one will bother to look for him. Years later he encounters an old acquaintance.

Archived at GreatestJournal

fics, het, harry potter

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