yeah i'm bored what have you?

May 06, 2007 12:35's harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter of your
first name to answer each of the following. If you can't think of
anything, skip it. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name

Your Name: cindy
Famous Music artist/group: counting crows
3 letter word: can
Street name: caimbridge
Color: can clear be a color?
Vehicle: civic
Show: csi
Country: canada
Boy Name: craig
Girl Name: cathrine
Alcoholic drink: cosmo
Occupation: cashier
Flower: cornation
Celebrity: clive owen
Something found in a kitchen: cutting board
Reason for Being Late: car accident
Something Scary: the clap
A Feeling: crushed
Animal: cougar
Something you shout: crap!!
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