Living With Ghosts
November 14 2006, 23:14:41 UTC
Thirty years ago I lived in an apartment that seemed haunted: footsteps on the front porch, the doorknob turning, and nobody visible through the glass panelled door. No practical jokers when I would go investigate. I found the experience wore on my nerves and eventually I moved out. You could try blessing the place according to whatever your religious/spiritual system is...blessed salt water, smuding, prayer,etc. Won't hurt and it just might help. I would NOT invite the entity in, for any reason. I doubt the ghost will harm you, but you might lose sleep and peace of mind. If you want to stand your ground, claim your space and tell it to move on. If you feel you can learn to ignore it, do so. If it still bothers you, then consider moving, because you have a life to live and it's not worth the hassle.
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