Jun 28, 2005 12:29
Holy Crap an update! i havent done much on LJ lately because i have a myspace now... www.myspace.com/does_this_kill_you if you want to add me... You no you want to. I spent all of last week with megan it was soo fun, i met Autumn and got to see lauren and keesha agian. I'm going with Kenny now i wish he lived closer, he lives in Rhode Island... I dunno what he sees in me, I dont see anything, i'm like a bottomless pit full of despare or w/e. Oh my i'm in love with Saosin and A7X and Now CIRCA SURVIVE, go out and buy those bands CDs but call me if you no where to find the Saosin CD because i cant find it anywhere, and it pisses me off. i dunno if i posted this but me and Bryan broke up, which is sad, i miss him at times, but other times i'm glad its over... i mean i am with Kenny now, wow, i sound like i have boys lined up, but how untrue is that! well anyways i hope that people actually read my update and post comments on this... maybe i'll get more friends on myspace because of this. Billy I hope your doing better with that whole girl moving and stuff i'm here if you need to talk. Oh i dont understand how someone like Paul J. can be so depressed that he wants to die! i guess something happened last night that made him really upset, some people did something.. I hope they get shot! because he doesnt deserve that. I think i'll update more often now... well i'm gunna go MUCH LUV TO all that care!
♥ Beth