languishment app

Sep 13, 2011 11:16

Name | Scath

Name | Shihouin Yoruichi
Series | Bleach
Canon Point | Just after the war is done, but pre-timeskip
Reference | Bleach wiki entry
Age | Canon doesn’t say, but I presume between 200-300 years old. I play her with a late-20s/early 30s mindset.
Gender | Female
Suitability | Well over 18!
Appearance | standard appearance and cat form.

Personality |

Down to earth and disdainful of formalities, Yoruichi is generally laid-back and playful, with a sly sense of humor. Despite her high rank, she insists that people address her informally. This doesn’t mean that she tolerates being disrespected, however; Yoruichi will turn a sharp tongue on someone who she feels has it coming. As a former captain and clan head, she will take command of a situation when necessary, as she did when she led the rescue mission back to Soul Society.

Yoruichi has no trouble being serious when the situation calls for it, and is often the straight man to Urahara’s goofy, seemingly-harmless fool. She’s very self-possessed, and can go from complete relaxation to laser-sharp focus in an instant; the few times we ever see her raise her voice have been in response to Urahara behaving in a manner she disapproves of.

In keeping with her eccentric reputation, Yoruichi can be very matter of fact about being naked in front of others, as seen when she transforms from her cat form to her human form in front of Ichigo for the first time. She takes obvious pleasure in flustering him, and isn’t at all rattled by his loud demands for her to get dressed. This teasing manner is shown again in a flashback, when she greets a teenage Byakuya by bumping her breasts against the side of his head.

Yoruichi is given to observation and analysis before taking any action, and is perfectly willing to avoid fighting if the situation merits. This isn’t to say that her fighting skills are lacking, however; even after having been away from battle for a century, Yoruichi has been shown to hold her own with some of the stronger characters in the Bleach-verse.

As a former commander of Covert Ops, stealth and infiltration are her specialty, and this discretion carries over into other areas of her life; when faced with an unfamiliar situation, she is likely to ask questions of others only after first gathering information on her own. It’s not usually easy to determine Yoruichi’s thoughts or feelings or motives at any given time, although unlike her best friend Urahara, it’s not so much a mask as a natural distance and reserve; she manages to be very relaxed and friendly without actually sharing much about herself.

Yoruichi is intelligent, but unlikely to display the full extent of her knowledge on a subject, or how much she notes and files away as a situation unfolds. If that leads to someone underestimating her, then so be it--she really doesn't care what most people think of her. In keeping with this pragmatism, she has no problem playing a supporting role if it means the job gets done; it’s Urahara who crafts their overall battle strategy, and she generally acts in accordance with his plans, placing her absolute trust in him.

She's taken on quite a few pupils over the years, and seems comfortable in a mentor role. Her laid-back manner becomes sharply focused at these times, as she is shown to be a rather strict teacher with Ichigo, Orihime and Chad.

Yoruichi is independent, but values her friends and what she feels is the right thing to do. She will go against the law if she feels the law is wrong; what matters most to her is her own sense of morality. Once she’s decided on what she feels is the right path, she will stick with it, even if she’s operating from a disadvantage. She gives up everything--her ranks and positions, the respect of her protege and peers, essentially, her entire life--in order to save her friends and colleagues. A century later, she leads a group of determined, but inexperienced teens back to her home in order to stop the execution of one of their friends (and unknown to them, thwart the plans of the man responsible for the events leading to her exile).

Her supreme self-confidence, practical outlook and careless manner can make her seem callous, and she's been shown not to fully realize the extent of a person’s regard for her--her dawning realization of just how bitter Soifon had become due to Yoruichi’s disappearance is a prime example. Despite her genuinely kind nature, given that she used to be an assassin, I think it's fair to say she can be absolutely ruthless when needed.

Many might consider her to have no respect for duty and responsibility, which is not true at all--she simply defines them for herself, and doesn't allow anyone else to dictate what she should find important. While a free spirit, Yoruichi is extremely loyal to those she deems worthy, even to the point of giving up almost everything she's ever known.

Possessions | She’d have nothing but her clothes and hidden throwing knives.

Character Abilities/Powers |

Yoruichi is a former captain, as well as former commander of Special Ops, putting her in the upper ranks as far as powerful shinigami go. Her hand-to-hand combat is formidable, to the extent that she can take out a group of Special Ops officers in seconds, as well as fight captain-level opponents and and the Espada (Aizen's elite forces) unarmed. While we generally see her fighting barehanded, she's also highly capable with a sword. She carries throwing knives, launching them with either her arms or legs from their hidden sheaths. Yoruichi does have a zanpakutou (soul-cutting sword, a shinigami's primary weapon), although she has only been seen with it in flashbacks. Presumably, she is capable of both shikai and bankai (initial and final release, a zanpakutou's more powerful forms), but no information about the sword has been revealed so far.

High-level shinigami can use a technique known as shunpo (flash-step), which consists of gathering energy to their feet in order to cross large amounts of ground in a single step. Yoruichi can move so quickly she looks as though she's in several places at once. This mastery has gained her the nickname Shunshin--Goddess of Flash.

She is also proficient in kidou (demon arts). There are three types of kidou spells: binding (used for restraining targets, casting barriers and blocking attacks), destructive (used for offensive purposes) and healing. While she doesn't use them all on-screen, given her former rank and the fact that she's successfully nursed Ichigo through some serious injuries, I presume she's moderately to highly proficient in all three types. (I understand she won’t be able to heal in Attollo, and she’d be limited to her knowledge of field medicine.)

Yoruichi can also use a technique known as shunkou (flash-cry). It's a mix of hand-to-hand combat and kidou, which concentrates spiritual energy around the arms and legs for offensive and defensive purposes. An energy blast with this technique is capable of doing significant damage.

Despite her small build, she's much stronger than she appears, able to easily carry both Ichigo and his enormous sword while running. In addition, a concentrated punch from her is shown to have enough force to destroy a city block. Like all shinigami, her stamina is much greater than that of a human.

Something exclusive to Yoruichi (as far as we’ve been shown) is the ability to transform into a black cat. She can still speak and channel reiatsu in this form, although it does limit her speed and physical capabilities. Her voice in this form is that of an old man, which makes her transformation to human form even more surprising. Like many Bleach characters, she's able to gather spirit particles in the air, allowing her to move about on it as though it were solid ground.

Her ability to suppress her own reiatsu (spiritual pressure) as well as track others by their spiritual energy is excellent, enough to remain undetected for 100 years. She's also able to leave an afterimage of herself that appears to take damage from an attack, diverting her opponent; this is known as Utsusemi, or Cicada.

Weaknesses/Fears |

Yoruichi is normally very composed, and laid-back, and hasn’t been shown to have any specific fears in canon. But as she’s very strong willed and something of a free spirit, being too constrained and having no say in her day to day life is likely something she’d want to avoid at all costs. Even when fulfilling her duties as clan head, captain and commander, she was shown to stay true to herself as opposed to acting like the proper stereotypical princess, so I wouldn’t see her compromising that for anything.

Another couple of sensitive spots can be linked to her exile as well; when she left, her protege was left feeling hurt and betrayed. Yoruichi likely didn’t consider this before leaving, and was surprised that Soi Fong carried such a bitter grudge even after a century; while she’s obviously very fond of her former student, in my opinion, she’s nowhere near as attached to Soi Fong as Soi Fong is to her.

We’re never told why she left her behind, but I suspect that she needed someone to take over for her; Soul Society was losing nearly a dozen captain and vice-captain class fighters, decimating the leadership ranks, and they needed to be in as strong a position as possible when Aizen made his move. Soi Fong had the potential, but its unlikely she would have been allowed to take charge of Special Ops and the 2nd division if there had been any inkling that she’d had prior knowledge of Yoruichi’s supposed treason.

As I play her, Yoruichi does not regret leaving; Soul Society was at war (even if they didn’t know it yet), and she did what she needed to in order to keep it as safe as possible. But she does regret the effect it had on her former student, and so she can be rather more indulgent of Soi Fong’s...issues than she would be with anyone else.

The whole false accusation and exile business has left her somewhat jaded about her home. Despite all their efforts to save it, she’s under no illusions about how ugly Soul Society can be, and is unlikely to blindly trust in any government or legislative system, knowing firsthand how easily it can be manipulated.

I suspect that after having lived in exile for so long with only a small circle of friends for support, losing either Tessai or Kisuke--especially Kisuke--would devastate her. She doesn’t give her trust easily, so losing the support of those few on whom she’s come to depend would be a significant blow, and something she’d go to serious lengths to avoid.

Requested Village | Muir

NPC mini-plot | Sure!

First-person |

[The woman in the feed looks relaxed and almost nonchalant, with faint, sardonic amusement peeking out from time to time. But the more observant will note her eyes are appraising, and her apparent boredom is anything but.]

So. It’s not every day I wake up to find someone watching me sleep. I suppose our hosts are just the sort of people who don’t know the meaning of personal boundaries.

[Even Soi Fong didn’t try to watch her sleep.]

[...anymore. Needless to say, she isn’t fond of the idea of being watched.]

In any’s not enough that they abduct us, but we have to get jobs, too? Someone really needs to explain the concept of a ‘guest’ to these people.

Third-person |

Sunlight peeked through the heavy foliage cover, dappling the small clearing in which she stood. It was a beautiful day, the faint breeze carrying the scent of the nearby ocean, but Yoruichi couldn’t enjoy it. She’d chosen this secluded spot in order to experiment with her transformation ability.

As in, try to figure out why it no longer worked.

The day before, she’d changed into her cat form and gone exploring, taking advantage of the freedom granted by the form to poke about at her leisure. She’d overheard enough to confirm most of what she’d been told upon arrival, explored far enough to have a rough idea of the island’s layout, and marked the location of various stores and services.

But after spending most of the day out and about, she’d been stunned to suddenly find herself back in her human form while padding through an alleyway just after dusk. After a brief moment of shock, she leapt up to the nearest roof, out of sight of approaching residents. She managed to make it back to her room unseen, where she’d attempted to change back, with no success.

So here she was the next day, having found an out of the way spot in which to try again. But just as yesterday, she was unable to trigger the transformation, something she’d been able to do almost without thinking for more than a century now.

Her brow furrowed as she finally stopped trying; no sense wasting energy. She’d have to ask the others from her home whether or not they’d seen similar changes to their abilities. If it didn’t run the risk of fire she’d test out her kidou, but it’d probably be faster to ask an ally than to look for a more suitable spot.

She blew out a long breath, then slipped through the trees, heading back towards town. She needed to determine the status of her powers as soon as possible--especially with Arrancar around--so there was no sense wasting time.

!languishment, !application

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