application for the golden hour

May 13, 2011 00:52

Name: MAX


Full Name: Emilian (NEVER EMI) Grey
Race: Werelion
If Other, provide a description of how they differ from humans: Emilian is a werelion. He may take the shape of a goddamn LION and exhibits some cat-ly traits in human form. A slightly expanded lifespan and a weakness for catnip ohmygod. He has really good balance, and he almost always lands on his feet.

Occupation: Court Guard
Faction, if applicable: Emilian-centric, oh he supposes the royalty, too.
Reputation & rumors: (Please include a few ideas on how Belief might affect your character.)
- Stoic, but flippant at times
- Doesn’t Talk, so good at his job
- Lazy off duty

- A sadist, really, and loves his job cuz he gets to kick peeps around.
- Unbuyable. Won't inform on any of the foyal family no matter what's offered.

Age: 28
Birthday: March 24
Birth Location: Tyrol, Balfour
Height: 6’2’’
Weight: 172
PB (Played-By): TEAM SPACEJAM! Abarai Renji

History: Emilian was an Other in Tyrol before being an Other was really cool, okay! He was even born in Tyrol.

It is Believed in some parts of Africa that the cat-gods sometimes disguise themselves as mortals and even mate with other humans! Emilian is the descendant of one such line. His father was a diplomat from passing through Tyrol, who happened to catch the eye of a smithy’s wife. The smith and his wife were quite pleased to have a child.. until it came out with the wrong colouring. They were both redheads, so that was all right.. but they were also quite pale, which the child was not what is genetics i am not colouring these icons again ok. Cuckolded, the smith threw his wife and bastard child out. They moved into his Uncle’s house, who was a Lt. of the Guard. Emilian was a resilient, normal child. He didn’t know what the odd stares his tanned skin and red hair drew meant, and was blissfully ignorant and happy in childhood.

As he grew older, he learnt what the word ‘bastard’ meant. The people of Tyrol weren’t ever discriminating of race, but they held the fact his mother screwed another dude besides her husband as a great offense. Children can’t choose how they come into the world, and Emilian grew slightly resentful of his mother. Not enough to hate her, but enough to withdraw from the world quite a bit. He’d never felt like he fit right in with the rest of the general public at large, anyway. At the age of sixteen, he took a cue from his Uncle and joined the Guard. As a quiet, broody teenager he continued to keep to himself but learned his lessons well. He found he loved his training and weapons. Weapons were really cool! So was fighting! And drinking and bad life decisions. And his new guard-mates were sort of like a new family, this one rowdy and full of cursing. It worked enough for him.

Around the age of 24, the city was in flux. Others were starting to trickle into the city and the Golden Hour had gone mad. The Guard shored itself up a bit and Emilian found himself promoted, then assigned from place to place until he found himself at King’s Hold. His distaste for words and socialising made him and his sword a great fit for the royalty. Toss this motherfucking lordling out? No problem. Drag this chick away? Can do. Thousand-yard stare while the kids make asses of themselves? You bet.

In his second year at the Hold, he was enjoying his leave at a tavern when he noticed a woman staring at him. Something was strikingly familiar about her, so much so he just had to speak with her. Her name was Cassandra, she was an Other drawn to the Hour, and a werecat as well. Except, not of the same line. She was a were-leopard and very stuck-up about her supposed royalty where she was from. Still, it was nice to finally know what he was. Suddenly things made more Sense. Cassandra taught him the histories of the Cat God families and how to get in touch with his other side - his feline side. They spent many nights he had leave romping around the countryside as a lion and a leopard. As cats are wont to do, Cassandra suddenly changed her mind about the power of Belief tying her to the city and left. While shocked, he was hardly heartbroken.. it’s not like he cared anyways! Hmph.

Since then, he’s really been the same old Emilian. Tight lipped and sarcastic, though maybe slightly rowdier. When the weather turns hot and the sun is high in the sky, his blood goes up and he gets restless and is more prone to pick fights, spend money on hookers and blow, etc.

As his loyalty is to the King and his family, he remains neutral either way about the tension between the Citadel and The Hour. He had no choice about what he was born as, but some of the things the Hour draws in are deplorable.

Personality: Emilian really is cat-like. Lions are considered the King of the Animal Kingdom in some places, and he’s not above seeing himself as such. He does his job very well, in his opinion, and has pride for miles about it. About his whole self, really. While he’s sort-of ok with professional criticism and can take orders just fine, pick at him personally and you’re bound to get a punch in the face. He comes across as quite aloof and can’t really explain why he likes some people over others, he just Does. He also has extreme whims. One day cranberries might be his favourite food, the next he can’t stand them and will think anyone who eats them is scum. Strange things offend him. Don’t try and figure out why.

He can be incredibly lazy. His favourite thing to do in the summer is climb atop his uncle’s roof and lay just so, so that no part of him is touching another, and nap the day away. It can be incredibly hard to get him to do anything he doesn’t want to do in his spare time, and is stubborn til the end. Occasionally he’ll get the random wild hair up his ass and spend a brief period zipping around learning or doing something new (like getting tattoos!) only to drop it suddenly and be lazy.

To those he decides he likes (for the time being), he gives them all of himself. His love and loyalty are fierce when one has it, and he may even appear clingy or starved for attention and will complain loudly when he doesn’t get it. He likes being involved in people’s lives he likes and to help with activites he can’t really do and be underfoot. Completely ruled by the women and children in his life.

The scent of blood makes him drool inexplicably.

Personality Keywords: aloof, flippant, stubborn, lazy, loving, :|~

Appearance: Emilian is very tall! And dark! And in some cases, handsome! His long red hair is usually tied back or in a discreet braid. When not working, he sometimes lets it loose or ties it back from his forehead with a piece of cloth. Some might consider his face handsome, all sharp angles with a strong jaw and deep brown eyes. He is of an athletic build, keeping himself fit to protect the royal family from all those crazies outside. He’s usually seen in his guard’s uniform, shiny and well-kept, trusty sword at his side.

Part of his bad life decisions involved a lot of drinking and tattoos at a young age. A friend of a friend of a friend knew someone who knew a witch who would weave ink into the skin but it was painful cause a) it was magic and b) hello, metal bits. There was some alcohol and daring involved, too. Cassandra laughed and laughed at the stripes (he’s not even a tiger!) that grace his back, chest, and arms, so he is pretty mum about them now. Luckily they are almost always covered up as he is in uniform, but privately he is okay with going shirtless and grating cheese upon his abs.

He does NOT have the crazy ass forked hairline/eyebrows or the tattoos that renji has on his face. His icons are kinda edited to reflect that.

As a LION he is your standard bigass cat with bigass hair and bigass yawns. ROAR, etc.

Languages Known: English, remembers some French and Spanish well enough to be kinda dangerous.
Skills: Swordplay, fighting, good balance, landing on his feet, keeping quiet.
Strengths: Althetic, shrewd, loyal, loving, secret-keeper
Weaknesses: Aloof, prideful, vain, stubborn, sarcastic, violent tendencies