(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 12:10

Holy crap! I called the Hospital to see if I could get Dahlya in to see a Pediatrician, because honestly those family doctors don't really care that much about looking into things unless you bring something up, and I having no idea what's normal with a baby have no idea what to bring up. I called and asked about seeing a Pediatrician, the woman tells me I need to get a family doctor and then get referred... she then goes on to describe every button I need to push on the website to find a doctor... I GET THAT, the whole time I keep saying "Ok, I just wan..." (ted to know) the bitch keeps interupting me and telling me more about how to get a family doctor. She finishes and I say "Alright, so if I want my daughter to see a pediatrician,..." she interupts again and tells me AGAIN how to get a family doctor. I WAS going to say "If I want my daughter to see a pediatrician as her regular doctor is that possible."
 Once she's done I start to ask another question, she cuts me off before she can even have any idea what I'm going to ask and puts me on hold. When she gets back I start a sentance, honestly not 2 words in and she starts telling me I didn't understand her. I'm finally sick of her bullshit so I interupt her and say "No, I understand you need to get a family doctor and then have them refer you to a pediatrician..." She continues to try to interupt me as if she knows what I'm asking, I continue " ...but what I want to know is if my daughter can see a Pediatrician as her regular Doctor once she has been referred or if that is only for special problems." The lady goes, " well no that's between you and your doctor when she will see a pediatrician." So I say, "What I am asking is if it is a possibility for a Pediatrician to be the Doctor she usually sees once being referred, in Alberta that is the way it is, I want to know if that can be done here."  This whole time she is trying to interupt me again thinking that I am asking how Dahlya can get an appointment with a Pediatrician. Finally after I finished my sentance she says " oh... no that's not how it works here." 
 I said " That's ALL I was asking, Thank you." and hung up.

I want to march down to that office and tell her she's a bitch and should find a new line of work, because she obviously cannot handle the job she has.

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest, I'm so irrationally pissed off right now.
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