An Abortion Free America by January 2005

Sep 29, 2004 23:47

I am Michael A. Peroutka and I am running for President on the Constitution Party ticket. I am 100% pro-life, all nine months, no exceptions. In fact, I am so pro-life, that if elected I promise that abortion will end my first day in office.

As President, I would advocate a total ban on all abortions and a total ban on any federal funding of abortions, here or abroad.

As President, I would do everything in my power to end the national disgrace of abortion, starting with a formal acknowledgment of the legal person-hood of every child from the moment of conception. I would appoint U.S. Attorneys - by recess appointment if necessary - who will secure the right to life of the unborn.

It is, by the way, within the power of the President to end legal abortion tomorrow, as I would do my first day in office. Don't let alleged "pro-life" Presidents tell you differently. The President has an obligation under Article IV, §4 to ensure to each member State that it will be republican in form of government. Any action that is not republican in form will be utterly resisted to the grave if necessary under a Peroutka Presidency. Abortion was made "legal" (more correctly, the prosecution of abortion was made illegal) in these United States by judicial fiat, which is anti-republican in form and in violation of the Separation of Powers and Article I, §1 of the Constitution vesting all legislative power of the Federal Government in the Congress. In an American form of government, "all laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury v. Madison. Most certainly, anti-Constitutional court decisions are not binding.

Thus, under my presidency, Roe v. Wade will not be enforced, and the member states of the Union could again open their criminal codes and begin the prosecution of the doctors and parents who would contract for the murder of an unborn child without fear of reprisal from the Chief Executive.

If you would like to have an abortion free America, please contribute to my campaign.

For God, Family and the Republic,

Michael A. Peroutka

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