Dec 17, 2005 17:20

GEEZE; i havent updated in a zillion yeaaarrrsss. i dunt even know if anyone still reads my lj! well A LOT has happened. Hmmm.. well there have been some fun crunked nights with my friends in october and november. soo emily is going out with tyler & irma is going out with max. if uve ever seen them, im sure u can agree with me that they are the cutest couples on this planet. halloween was fun. it felt like we walked half way across the world, & my broncidous made me feel like i was gunna faint haha. irma thought i was on drugs haha i was def not. i think it was a mixture of my medicine and alcohol that took over my system and made me such a freeeek ahaha. at the begining of this month i sleep over at irmas with emily. emily was in the "hospital & had to get 36 stiches" even though she had a "fractured kneeeeee" while irma was in the washroom waiting for the bfs to come hahaha. i had a hellarious night with em while watching the magic school bus. ive never seen that show so funny before and it was so weird cuz it related to our lives perfectttly. we made tonnns of food at my house while doing the stupidest things lol. yesterday i stayed home from school cuz of the snow storm we were supposed to have and just went christmas shopping with my mom. right now nothing super duper exciting has happened.. to sum up my life right this second would be that its boaring and it kinda sucks. but one thing i am excited about is christmasss<3 and boxing day of course. im looking forward to a full day of hard core shopping. only 8 more days till christmasssss.. yayyyyyyyyyyy. time has gone by SO fast. 2006 is gunna be here before i even know itt. i just need ONE exciting-good-sexy-vibish thing to happen in my lifeee ahaha. i think im gunna go insaaaanneeeeeeeeee. i dunt know what to do with the life of the electric eeeeilll. the one thing i wish for is to not have to be single & alone and that i can finallly meet a good guy! i dunt think i can stand going through another year of just waiiiting. it makes me so upset. i dunno if i shud just keep waiting and eventualy it will happen on its own, or if its up to me to find him on my own? my bffls are really lucky right now. it sounds like fun to be with that speical someone over christmas holidays<3 someone who realllly cares bout you. oh well i guess thats lifeeee. enough with all this sad stuff.. hmm what else?? ohh clauddeeeennnnn [aka.claudia->my sis] got a job at fcuk. she works so much so she will hardly be home for the christmas holidays :( it will suck so much not seeing her a lot over christmas. i need to do something with my life,, i neeeed a job too! tomorrow morning i might go and get my eye brows waxed lol. i hope everyone likes the christmas presents i got them :):):):) timmme to eat DINNNER! OH YES.. one more small thing.. i no longer have purple&blondish highlights.. i died my hair brown about 2 weeks agooooooo 
 - - Eeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllll*******

[[[ _ //iS aNybOdy oUt theRe; doEs anyboDy sEe; thAt wHen tHe liGhts aRe oFf sOmethings killiNg Me? i knOw it seeMs liKe pEople caRe; caUse theYre alWays aRound mE; but whEn the dAy is dOne aNd eVerybody rUns; whO wIll be tHe oNe to sAve me frOm mYself; who wiLl be tHe oNe whO's tHere; whO's guNna cAtch me wHen I fall? ..somEtimes lonelinEss is a pArt of me.. ]]]
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