A trail of aching derrières- next time they'll be more thoughtful

Jun 11, 2006 23:40

The door opens onto an expanse of asphalt, steel, and glass. Nearby a sign reads:



It's a big parking lot, with the mall itself only visible off in the distance. Ray gives it the squint-eye before turning to the others. "Okay, people," he says. "This is ( Read more... )

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gone_byebye June 20 2006, 04:09:11 UTC
And this, friends? This is our parting of the ways.

This is where the kitsune and the half-ghost speed off through the walls in search of people who desperately need their days ruined more than is strictly common. And lord, but they do have those in gracious plenty.

This is where the Jedi Master, the Knight Industries representative, and the Nova di Tutti Novi make for the place Kitt's sensors originally indicated is the center of the installation's power system. A place like this would be so screwed if it lost strategically targeted electrical bits, wouldn't it?

This is where, far below on level D, men and women of technological capability far beyond the common run find- quite to their surprise- that doors that have been closed for a very long time start opening one after another after another. Few things are more dangerous than a nerd with a sudden avenue of long-plotted vengeance thrown open to him or her.

This is where K's scanners start indicating multiple avenues of likely attack through the building; he's going to take one himself, maybe bring Matilda with him- it makes as much sense as anything else. And there are records- computers- all kinds of things in need of probing.

The group left behind is going to find Peck and his office by the most direct means possible: blow up, burn down, or eat through everything in their way until there's nowhere left for the dickless wonder to hide.

It's a beautiful thing.


spark_girl June 20 2006, 04:18:43 UTC
Agatha manages to keep from giggling. Mostly.

She has, however, tapped into her genetic affection for making things go 'boom'.

And being a Spark, she will occasionally pause to admire a design before making it go 'splodey.


lucky_coyote June 20 2006, 04:20:44 UTC
The monitors flicker down on Level D, and Johnny watches the unfolding chaos for a moment, swishing his tail happily. Then, in a blink, he's back to his regular human self.

"Halt!" THe security guards draw their weapons and stand forward from their positions on the wall.

Johnny merely flicks his fingers, and thin arcs of electricity find the gun-barrels, effectively zapping and stunning the guards.

"You know," he says offhandedly, getting up out of the chair to dust off his blazer, "it's not safe to draw guns in such close quarters."

Coyote Wisdom (tm) dispensed, he strolls out the open doors and back out to the stairwell, passing a rather mousy-looking boy in a frayed hat and faded jeans ... wielding twin machine guns and muttering something to himself about force-feeding a group of scientists "tasty wheat" until it comes out their ears.

Not even a blink on Destiny's part.

... Yep, definately been around the Bar too long, already.


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