Title: Jon Walker’s Lawn Care Service
gondorknowsbestRating: G
Pairing: Jon/Spencer
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jon comes to take care of Spencer’s lawn
Disclaimer: Yes, I DO own Jon and Spencer…………..ok I don’t
Author Notes: ummm yeah this is really really short but I havent written one in a while so I thought I’d post. I'm most likely going to do a few more ficlets then post them all at the same time to satd.
Jon pulled up to the next house on his sheet and got out of his truck. He walked the short distance from the street to the door and rang the bell. He was pretty sure that he had instant drool coming out of his mouth when the person that open the door was a boy no older than him with soft brown hair and electric blue eyes.
“Can I help you?” the boy asked crossing his arms and cocking his hip to the side in a way that made Jon go crazy inside.
“Umm… Yeah I’m Jon Walker. You hired me to cut your lawn,” he answered. The boy smiled and uncrossed his arms.
“Oh yeah, my mom told me that you were coming today. Do I give you the money now, or when your done?”
“We usually get our payment when the job is done. I was just telling you that I’m starting and should be done in about 3 hours,” Jon informs him desperately wishing he could stay at this boy’s house for longer.
“Okay, cool. I‘m Spencer by the way,” he shakes Jon’s hand before Jon tells him that he should be getting to work.
Jon had been cutting the grass for a little more than an hour and was done mowing, ready to move onto the trimming. He was pushing the mower back to the front lawn when he looked into one of the windows and saw Spencer looking back at him. Jon smiled and Spencer blushed, quickly moving away from the window. The smile didn’t leave Jon’s face as he put the mower back on the trailer and grabbed the trimmer. He was putting the strap over his head when he got an idea. If Spencer was going to look, why not give him a show. So Jon took his shirt off and placed it in his truck.
When Jon got done with the yard he was dripping in sweat and feeling really gross but he had to go to the house to get his check. He knocked on the door and smirked when Spencer answered by the third knock.
“I’m finished now.”
“I’ll just go get your check,” he leaves and comes back a few seconds later with an envelope, handing it to Jon.
“Maybe I could get your number too,” Jon suggests.
“’Cause I’d like to service something other than your lawn.”