Aftermath of The Seventh City

Mar 30, 2008 10:55

Last time on The Seventh City, our heroes had determined to leave the cities by getting lost in a series of tunnels. It worked, but not quite in the way they were expecting.

It all started as we emerged from the tunnels under the Seven Cities into somewhere completely different-our party wizard’s hometown of Osaka, Japan. Needless to say, we were all rather confused but nonetheless followed him home whereupon we began to debate ways to get back to the respective homes we’d been headed for in the first place.

The thing about this Japan was that it was situated in a world where not only were there the standard DnD races, magic, etc, but also adventuring was treated a bit like pro wrestling. Adventuring parties sponsored by various corporations would compete in televised dungeons-killing monsters, dodging traps, solving puzzles etc-for fame, glory and prizes ranging from luxury vacation packages to a lifetime supply of furniture wax. Our wizard had been a competitor in this before his mysterious disappearance, and so he agreed to pull a few strings to get us into the local league to earn enough money to hire a planar travel specialist to send us all home. Still with me? Good.

So a few short weeks later we emerged as the team The Multiversal Rejects just in time for a large event in Kyoto. The premise was a series of maze-like rooms, each based on one of the five Eastern elements (earth, water, fire, metal and wood) containing lots of nasty monsters and traps. It was pretty standard dungeon crawl fare, so I’ll just list the highlights of each room:

Wood: A big maze with walls grown from trees and foliage. Pretty uneventful-lots of wood elves, one of which my cleric got high after defeating (his religion gave him the ability to get people stoned at a touch) and an Ent for an end boss.

Water: The whole thing took place mostly underwater, pitting us against aquatic monsters like sea trolls and decidedly hostile squid. The most eventful thing here was the introduction of the hot East Indian necromancer my li’l brudder (previously DMing) was playing. Sadly, shortly after her introduction she was killed off by the kraken end boss, forcing Li’l Brudder to play a transfer from another team (a Magical Girl from a disqualified team composed entirely of anime clichés.)

Fire: Due to a rather horrendous oversight on Jonathan the DM’s part, we were able to take down nearly all the monsters in this room from the door where we came in. The entire thing, you see, was one open room with paths demarcated by canals full of lava. Between the Magical Girl’s flight abilities and our psychotic hunter’s bow scope and frost arrows we killed nearly everything without putting a mark on ourselves and due to this took down the hydra boss in about two hits.

Metal: This room was as far as we got. After dodging a series of bladed pendulums and easily taking down an iron-plated bull whose breath could turn flesh to stone, we heard a series of thumps from down the corridor. We advanced cautiously, expecting the two rust dragons we’d been warned about, only to emerge into a brightly-lit room filled with limousines.

As it happened, the Japanese emperor was a big fan of this show and not pleased with what he’d been seeing from us. The ease with which we’d been finishing the challenges was not only boring the viewers, he said, but also making him think we could be put to better use, especially the hunter. So he’d had the higher-ups teleport him in with a deal for us: either we could forfeit and he'd make arrangements for all of us to be teleported home (except for Psychotic Hunter, who he wanted for his personal guard) or we could be forcefully disqualified and lose all the stuff we’d won. We readily agreed to the first course of action, and after arranging our affairs and ending the whole thing with a huge party, were well on our way back to our own times/places.

Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work out that way.

For our thrilling conclusion, turn in whenever I get around to posting this next.
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