the coldest winter i ever had...

Nov 05, 2009 13:28

thanks, Mark Twain, your words of wisdom ring true. but! who knew that october is san francisco's summer? answer: probably everyone who lives here. exception: me. just a few days into november, and it's already starting to get cloudy/foggy/cold/ominously dark again. october's weather was a blessing. it remains my favorite month, even on this coast.

so i am moving. the final destination is uncertain, but i'm out of here on december 19, and i'll hopefully be traveling between miami and austin and doing my thang/not working until the beginning of february. there's no rush in figuring it out, i guess, and i kind of want to not have a plan for the first time in my life. i must say, i am reeeeeally excited for winter in the South. and for sunshine. i know after a month and a half of this cold drear, i'm going to be dying for some beach-the-day-after-christmas weather.

i'm sad that i didn't get around this coast much [at all], and will hopefully at least semi-rectify that before i go. i've got thanksgiving free, and rideshares exist all over. i really, really want to get to vancouver before december, but i can't imagine that happening. tickets at this time of year are ballsass expensive, and it's a long ride. we'll see what comes up.

as for the near future, i'm excited.
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