Title: Waves of Hyacinth
Pairing: Ohno/Jun
Rating: NC-17
Word cout: 17,210
Summary: At this point of their relationship, they have to deal with one thing they haven’t truly experienced. Jealousy.
Notes: Arashi has no chill this November so this went a bit late than expected! Still overwhelmed about and grateful for everything and I'm glad that I can finish this as November ends. I decided to update/repost this as one chapter only for the maximum fluff and smut punches. Writing this fic had put me through all kind of ~feelings~, so I could only hope reading this in its entirety will give you the similar experience.
Thanks to D for the short discussion last year and giving me ideas to move forward. And, thank you mikunicchi for giving the messy drafts of this a read over ♥ Ohno-san, once again, Happiest Bisday <3
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Previous stories:
① Scent of Lavender |
② Warmth of Bellflowers |
③ Softness of White Peony |
④ Spring of Red Camellia |
⑤ Billowing of Aster .