Mar 25, 2005 23:36
Strangely I am in good spirits. There are just so many people that annoy me. There is a plastic falseness to the so called 'City of Angels.' Everyone trying to fit in to their groups, winding their way through their petty lives.
So few people have any sense of consideration anymore. People playing silly games because it's more fun to play their games than accomplish anything of value.
An example: I'm trying to move something bulky. I comment to the person in the way: "I need you to move please." (they ignore me)... After a moment, "I still really need you to move".... after being ignored again, "Okay, you're just being in the way and completely unaware of anything beyond your self-involvement."
The first was a polite request, the second more insistent, the third intentionally rude. Most people reacted to the third one, because it was 'inappropriate.' Personally, I think it was not only appropriate but required because the good behaviour was ignored. That was inappropriate.
What it comes to is my realization that there are people I have to interact with that I just simply don't like. Being in their presence annoys me. Not everyone that I had to interact with. Just the adult children who feel that their personality quirks give them rights to be useless.
Fine... flame off. Well at least one flame. The other is just annoying.