Vicious, evil, etc.

Jan 31, 2005 14:33

The fun part is that I know who reads this journal. I think I have one or two stragglers who've subscribed out of boredom.

I've been in a hateful and evil mood all day. The kind of day where all I want to do is find some little gothy who thinks she's all dark and broody... and pretty much destroy her.

I'm not referring to a BDSM session where she walks away puffing on yet another cigarette feeling the rush of sweet pain. I mean a situation where little gothy girl leaves in tears because her entire self-paradigm of faux, fashionable self loathing has just been pulled out from under her massively over-cliched, double, flash-laced, hot-topic boots and bashed over her, "aren't I the cutest cam-grrrl" head.

Also, any of the stragglers who think this is a challenge. Oh, please.. feel free to believe that you are up for the challenge. If I read one more "I'm the new coming of the dark occultists" post, or "My mentor can magickally whip your mentor." or "Your magick is not as strong as my magick" I'm going to wretch.

It's all a pissing contest and most of these morons don't even have the dick to aim with.

Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.
I fart in your general direction.

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