My letter to the president at 24.

Jan 22, 2015 11:13

"What are the nation's views/goals on Entrepreneurship and leadership roles in today's career force. My name is goml42 a recent graduate in communications - Video production from SUNY Fredonia. Upon graduating I felt confident that I would be destine to find a job in my field because I now have a college degree. As the months pass by and the accumulation of declines from the places I have applied in my field add up, I slowly begin losing hope that the career path I have chosen isn't feasible. I am constantly told that I am under qualified , that I need to have experience before I get experience, for the decently paying positions and the positions I do recessive the pay is little to nothing. With this in mind I realized I would like to start my own business because I know I have what take to be successful in my career but starting a business takes money. I currently working for a pizzeria but the money I make from there is barely enough to stay a float and pay off my student loans. I watched your state of the union address tonight and I am proud of the great strides you have made to make our country a stronger nation along with the ideas you have to move us forward. But I ask you this Mr. president with the plan of sending more people to college and educating our children of the future, once they have this education what do they do with it? Will they be like me, another person with an American dream waiting for one day for these corporations/ the one percent to finally give them a chance so we can save and have a shot at our American dream without stepping into more dept. Or will there be/ is there a program giving these educated people a chance to help our nation by creating there own jobs and helping up lifting their communities with their educated minds."

Thank you so much for you time and I am proud to call you my president,


God Bless"

so motiated-- i will sleep when i die.

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