Oct 26, 2012 13:59
hey live journal havent rwriten on you in a while..
mor elike a week or so but still
i need to write on this more
i am still in this mentality that i dont need anyone
i like being alone and it is working just fine
i do make exeption for jenny but beisdes that
i dont really look to talk to anyone or
i am still not going out of my way to help people out
it feels good
also today i was kinda of a dick
i had two actors that are stuck in acting for the stage rather than
acting for film (or realisum)
they were to over dramatic there was no conviction
and it all just clash for what i was going for.
so i was a dick and tried to make it the best i can
in the end i didnt get what i want but it felt good knowing that
at least i know i tried and it wasnt my fault
and that is part of the new kendell mentality
get what you want even if people don't like it
and even if it does turn how you want it
The point is that it is mine no one else's and i tried
and that is all that counts
well i have a shoot in 3 mins
g2g ttylive journa