Is there a way to search back through my own journal? I can't find it, so I'm not sure if this is a rerun. Of so, hey, at least it'll recap where I was.
Last spring, some friends and I
had a lot of fun making
a short film for the Wiskino Kabaret. Five of us shot and acted in it, and then Adam and I edited the footage we had down to a five minute short. Besides being the start to our real friendship, working on the Kabaret film showed us that we worked really well together.
After we were done, Adam asked if I'd like to work on another movie. The year before he'd shot a bunch of footage of Hippie Christmas (Madison's moving day in August) in order to make a documentary about dumpster diving. The footage was good, but it kind of fell apart in the editing process; they were using a Linux video editing program, and it just wasn't there yet. After spending a few days leading up to New Year's Eve trying to finish it before the end of the year, he threw in the towel.
Last summer, we started working on it together. I've got a computer that can run Final Cut pretty well, and we're using that to put together the documentary. Unsurprisingly, it's turning out to be a lot of work, but it's a fun process. We get together every Tuesday evening and work on it for a couple of hours, and we hope to get it done this year.
One pretty sweet thing has already come out of it. Around moving day last year, we were interviewed for the Onion AV Club. We talked about moving day itself and about the movie, and we showed the writer the trailer we'd made hastily that day. If I actually kept a list of things I hoped to accomplish, being interviewed in the Onion would've been on the list.