quick update (hopefully)

Oct 02, 2004 03:09

in hot springs, ar
running a store here over the weekend
free internet in the hotel
i brought my laptop

things at the house are cool
except my roommate is a fucktard
he moved his stuff out today
his names still on the lease though
did I mention he's a fucktard?
not sure what we'll do with the legality issues of it but I can't afford 900 a month by myself...
the female room mate...well, there was pretty much something going on between us the whole time
and now I get to claim her as my girlfriend (old news now but new since i've last been here)
anyways, oh...i got kick ass boots for our trip to new york

Demonia stack boots...

My friend Caleb and I are going to New York to see HIM...i'm not a fan, not really farmiliar with them...but we got round trip plane tickets for 150 bucks...

Ok, that's all for now...i'll have internet again soon...and i'll be back then...

this was only supposed to be like 5 lines...

ok, i really just wanted to brag about my boots

and my hot girlfriend whom i love to death...bloody forehead and all...of all the times for the stupid fucks at blue monkey to do something like this it's when i'm not home to take care of her...that's another story in itself...

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