Jun 20, 2007 18:46
If you are near Massachusetts, have even a casual interest in space or astronomy, and the sky is clear tonight at 9:22 pm, this is definitely worth watching. The space shuttle has undocked from the space station, and is expected to return to Earth tomorrow (if the weather is favorable at the landing site). Tonight, the two spacecraft (station and shuttle) will be easily visible from Boston in the night sky. At 9:22 pm, they pass directly overhead - rising in the northwest two minutes earlier, passing overhead, and setting in the southeast. The whole event is quick, you won't see them for more than about 4 minutes total. Both objects will be very bright - brighter than any stars. If you glance at the sky at 9:22 pm, these will be the most obvious objects in the entire sky. I don't know how close together the two objects will be. Last night, they were a few degrees apart, which gave a kind of cat's eye appearance. They will probably be farther apart - but almost certainly both visible in the sky at the same time, following the same path, one after the other. Since they're so bright, you won't need to watch from a dark place, you don't need any special equipment, you don't need to know anything about astronomy. You can see two spacecraft flying over Boston, by just looking up at the right time.