
May 17, 2007 13:49

So we're in Utah at the moment. So far the trip has been interesting - i've been sick with a cough so that's been pretty icky. New Mexico was teh worst because it was super dry and dusty and really messed up my lungs.

UT is great and I have the best in-laws ever.

I'll update more when I have more time!!

P.S. I cut my hair really short and it looks pretty good and it's alot cooler (really important since i'll be walking home from work three days a week and it's going to be getting really hot really soon) and I hope it will give those spots on my head time to heal (My hair was so thick and heavy it messed up my scalp and caused it to bleed some and have some sores on it ICK). I'm also hoping it'll help my frequent headaches which I THINK are attribuated to having my hair ina ponytail all the time.

WiL likes it too. :D

After this short cut though I'm letting it grow back to long - and when i get sick of long I'll donate to locks of love and start this process over again (as seems to be my cycle of haircutting).
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