GOLOS hotline: summary of messages as of 3:00 p.m. (ENGLISH)

Mar 14, 2010 18:54

As of 3 pm March 14, total of 310 messages on the facts of possible violations has been received via Hotline. A full summary is available on the English version of the GOLOS website.

(Illegal) Campaigning
Chelyabinsk area, Kopeysk city district: The night before elections on the territory of Zaozerny village, the leaflets with campaigning for United Russia’ member were distributed. The materials were also hung in front of the entrance of the polling station. GOLOS’ mobile team was visiting this station earlier and found no materials. Photos and other evidences available..

Forcing Citizens to Vote
Ulyanovsk: at District 14 ( Zavolzhya region, City Council deputies’ election), Antontsev together with Housing Owners’ organization “Vympel” is visiting voters’ houses and forces people to vote for him. The housing supervisors are forced to campaign for Mr. Antontsev

Organization of the Process of Voting
Krasnodar area, Sochi city: At the PEC 4647 the voters’ lists are not stitched. One of the members of commission from military unit is registering only military voters and is controlling their voting. The message has been received that PECs 4635 and 4636 have stopped their work because of the warning that a bomb had been put at the station. The information is received from the member of the EC on one of the mined stations.

Voronezh area, Shuberskoye village, Novouslan region : at PEC 2338 members of the electoral commission has been seen consuming alcohol. They were also offering alcohol to observers and voters.

Voters’ Lists
Vladimir area, Kovrov: PEC in vocational school # 16. The lists contained the voter that has been dead for 5 years. The neighbor noticed him in the list.

Technologies Violating the Law
Ulyanovsk area: at polling station 149, district 22, bribing of voters by candidate from Just Russia Z.Misanets takes place - near the vocational school # 6 car is parked and the people , seated inside the car are offering money for the votes for Misanets. In district 15 candidate Gibatdinov is offering vodka in exchange for votes for him.

Voters’ Rights
Vladimir area, Kovrov: Newspaper correspondent of Grazhdanski Golos was not allowed to make a photo of the voting place at polling station # 744. According to the correspondent, no secrecy of voting is ensured at the station. The voter booths are installed in a way that the marking of ballots by voters can be visible. However he wasn’t allowed to make photo of this fact. At the same time polling station camera is broadcasting live to the internet for the EC of Vladimir area. The camera is only directed to the part of the station where ballots are received by the voters and thus the booths and ballot box is not visible. Sverdlovsk area, Verkhniaya Tushma : at PECs 1183, 1184, 1188, 1211,1177 there are no curtains at the voter booths, photo and video are not allowed.

Rights of Members of EC, Observers, Mass media
Voronezh: at PEC 1238 the chairman has informed that he will not provide the copy of the protocol for ob-servers. Chelyabinsk region, Uvelski settlement,Uvelsk region: PEC 2169. The register for the voting outside of polling station is missing. Mobile boxes are not visible to the observers, they have been brought to another room. The polling station room is very small, the observers cannot follow the voting - “ there isn’t enough space for observers”

Electoral Commissions’ Activities
Chelyabinsk area, Kamensk village settlement, settlement Okhotnik, Uvelsk region: According to headquarters information of one of the candidates for head of Uvelsk region, the observers were counting the number of voters that have voted. At noon commission presented the turnout number which was greatly exceeding the results of the counting by observers. Observers suspected that input of ballots into the ballot box is to be made. GOLOS’ mobile team went to check the situation.

Work of Law Enforcement Bodies
Voronezh area, Ostrogozhsk: PEC 2605. Correspondent of Grazhdanski GOLOS Olga Demidova was at the polling station with a camera. Three young men tried to take camera from her and broke it. The police which was present near the station, took the victim to the police station for formalities. However they were going to conduct the alcohol test without Olga’s consent. After one and a half hour the attackers of Olga Demidova were released from the police station and the police decided not to persecute them. The decision was taken after some unknown person had visited the police station.

Messages appear on www.88003333350.ru as they are submitted. Any additional information can be requested from GOLOS Association (Tetyana Bohdanova) at: (919) 762-9861 or press@golos.org.
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