Messages on violations during electoral campaign keep coming to toll free federal number 8 800 333-33-50 and via website form at Messages received are posted on the website and the data is transferred to electoral commissions and law enforcement institutions for further investigations and taking measures.
As of 11:30 am March 14, total of 79 messages on the facts of possible violations has been received via Hotline, including the following:
Illegal Campaigning
Ivanovo city, on the premises of PEC # 3 campaigning materials are demonstrated on the wall: “United Russia # 1”, “Vote for United Russia”. When addressed to remove the materials, the chairman refused to remove them and even put the guards to near them.
Vladimir region, Kovrov: March 14th, at 9 am local TV station repeated the broadcasting of program “Actual Interview” with famous hokey player Vladislav Tretyak campaigning in support of the candidate for Kovrov city mayor Viktor Kaurov (United Russia).
Forcing Citizens to Vote
Khabarovsk: Students with the temporary registration in the student dorm at 138 Tikhookeanskaya str. were forced to go to polling station and vote before 8 pm. Students were instructed by manager of the dorm, professors, representatives of the dean’s office. The students were threatened to be moved out of the dorm and refused the dorm for the next school year in case they wouldn’t have gone to the polling station to vote before the deadline.
Yekaterinburg: In Ordzhonikidze region the employees of Uralmash are forced to vote for United Russia with the help of organized transportation of voters to polling stations. Social security organization of Oktiabr’ region: voters are forced to request absentee ballots and vote at a designated polling station and inform the management of the organization after voting. Moreover, at Pnevmostroymashyna factory employees are requested not only to vote at a designated station with absentee ballot, but also to make a photo of the ballot with a mark, which will be presented to the management next day after voting.
Irkutsk city: The head doctor of the Irkutsk regional infection clinics is requesting the medical personnel to vote for the candidate for the mayor position S.Serebrennikov.
Opening of Polling Stations
Voronezh city: at PEC # 20 (15 Naberezhnaya str.) the voters’ lists are not stitched together. When the chairman received complaints from the commission, he answered that its necessary way to ensure comfortable counting.
Organization of the Process of Voting
Irkutsk: In the ballot the name Yedinaya Rossiya (United Russia) is in bold letters.
Tula: PEC # 496. When a senior citizen came to the polling station he found out that somebody has already voted for his dead wife. There was a signature present in the voters’ list.
Voronezh: On EC 251 candidate from 13th electoral district from Just Cause party witnessed the ballots being taken out. The chairman of the commission Vasiliev said that it is legal.
Voters’ Lists
Altay Republic, Gorno-Altaysk city: at PEC # 156 the lists are not stitched. The chairman is referring to the permission of PEC. At PEC # 176, 156 the lists are also not stitched. The chairman is explaining its done for more comfortable counting with the permission of the PEC.
Technologies Violating the Law
Ulyanovsk city: March 13th organized transportation of voters for early voting was observed, also the voters were given a bottle of cogniac each as a present in Zavolzhia single mandate electoral district # 6.
Tula: The governor of Tula area Mr. Dudka is openly calling citizens to vote for United Russia. The recording of Tula news service on TV - Center Tula” channel. TSN channel in Tula is also broadcasting advertisements of free internet services by Altair provided for voting for United Russia.
Voters’ Rights
Ekaterinburg: PEC # 1703. The voter was trying to close the curtain of the voting booth and the chairman of the EC having noticed it, ran up to the booth, opened it and started watching. When asked the reason for her observing the booth, the chairman answered that it is not allowed to make photos on the booths and therefore the booths should be open. The voter wanted to write a complaint but he wasn’t allowed to by the chairman.
Rights of members of EC, observers, mass media
Voronezh area, Ostrogozhsk city: PEC 2605 at 8 Lenin str, was attached by 3 persons, the attackers didn’t introduce themselves, were requesting to be shown documents. The correspondent didn’t show the documents to them, but said that she is the correspondent of Grazhdanski Golos. The attackers asked for the camera, tried to take away the camera by force. The correspondent was opposing this and she was taken out of the polling station when the police reacted to this attack.
Astrakhan: Chairman of PEC 508 refused to dive any information on the station to the GOLOS’ correspondent, including the data on number of voters in the voters’ list. The correspondent was told that if he keeps asking questions, he will be forced to leave the station.
Voronezh: PEC # 1165 at 43a Barrikadnaya str. The correspondent of Grazhdanski Golos was thrown out of the polling station because he wasn’t registered in Voronezh.
Chelyabinsk area, Khomutinino village: At polling station # 2185 no information for the voters on the income and property ownership of the candidates is present, as well as no protocol is available. There are many voters at the station which came to vote early. The members of the commission with the right of advisors are not allowed to proceed with their responsibilities. The chairman put them near observers. The chairman is the head of the school, and commission consists of the teachers of that same school. The night before voting during the counting of ballots, 10 ballots were missing for the head of the region elections. The head of the village is on the premises of the station.
Work of Law Enforcement Bodies
Kurgan: The entrance to the EC of the Kurgan area is blocked by the police. People can pass only according to the lists, compiled by the head of the regional EC. As a result of many complaints and discussions, the complaint for the illegal police activities was finally accepted.