Тут недавно как раз нашли кратер в Гренландии, от астероида, который мамонтов накрыл. Вроде как 12 тысяч лет. И как раз гость к нам прилетел из дальних краёв. Есть подозрение, что первый из роя, остальные следом. И так регулярно, и не все мимо, оттого и прецессия земной оси
Тех, кого по тяжести преступлений сочтут неисправимыми (это либо святотатцы, часто и помногу грабившие в храмах, либо убийцы, многих погубившие вопреки справедливости и закону, либо иные схожие с ними злодеи), - тех подобающая им судьба низвергает в Тартар, откуда им уже никогда не выйти.
Annual Portland-Deering Thanksgiving Day football game rescheduled due to ‘extreme cold
“[T]he extreme cold weather predicted for this Thursday makes it unsafe for the game to take place that day,” an announcement from the school district reads, in part. “Family holiday obligations for those involved make shifting the game to the following Friday or Saturday unfeasible.”
But if you think this winter was cold, ask someone who is old enough to remember the 1940s. In the winter of 1949, the average maximum temperature for the months of December to February was a bone-chilling 33.65 degrees.
А потом палеонтологи ищут. Недостающее звено.
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“[T]he extreme cold weather predicted for this Thursday makes it unsafe for the game to take place that day,” an announcement from the school district reads, in part. “Family holiday obligations for those involved make shifting the game to the following Friday or Saturday unfeasible.”
Oregon's winter was the coldest in 24 years
But if you think this winter was cold, ask someone who is old enough to remember the 1940s. In the winter of 1949, the average maximum temperature for the months of December to February was a bone-chilling 33.65 degrees.
(33.65°F − 32) × 5/9 = 0.9167°C
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