i think one account linking mary magdalene to "the sinner woman" is actually a link to mary of bethany (my patron), who, like the sinner woman, anointed the feet of our Lord and wiped them with her hair. mary m. and mary b. may or may not be the same person but the two anointings were completely different occurences.
Hey, thanks for this post. I have somehow escaped the craze and have not yet read The DaVinci Code, but someone lent me a copy and it's been sitting here on my nightstand for weeks. Now I'll be able to have a much more critical eye when I finally do read it.
He lifted most of the "history" directly from a book that was published in the early 80's called Holy Blood, Holy Grail, which was more-or-less completely ridiculed by anyone who knew anything about the field.
Part of me expects of find a "secularized" Bible that refers to the Magdalene as "Yoko".
Comments 13
Part of me expects of find a "secularized" Bible that refers to the Magdalene as "Yoko".
Here is another post that also illustrates other items re: The Da Vinci Code.
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