1. Why doesn't ABC ever show any new Grey's Anatomy? This is starting to annoy me.
2. I'm recovering pretty well from my wisdom teeth surgery, so I'll most likely be in school tomorrow unless something tragic happens.
3. I haven't written that history essay that was due on Monday, haha. I guess I'll do that later.
4. I saw Benchwarmers. OMG. Go see it. & Don't think it's exactly like Napoleon Dynamite b/c it's different, and in my opinion, better.
5. I also saw Take the Lead, not my idea, the one w/ Antonio Banderas where he teaches all these inner-city kids how to ballroom dance. Umm, it was okay. But w/e.
6. My BIRTHDAY! is on Thursday. Holler.
7. We went to visit my sister @ Longwood on Sunday b/c we had to get her car b/c Daniel's Bronco is dead. & We need a car to take to school and for him to drive to work and stuff.
In case you didn't know, Longwood University is in a town called Farmville, VA. & Really, it's called Farmville for a reason.
These are the best chips in the world. no lie.
P.S. - How cute are Bright & Hannah?! Very. I <3 Everwood. A lot.