
Nov 06, 2006 02:36

Here's something.

So apparently at my store, if a female employee is seen interacting with a male employee when it's not a business issue, the entire store assumes the two employees are dating.


I was spotted eating my lunch with Riley the cartslave and was then interrogated later about the two of us going out.

This is the part that bothered me:

"So you're with Riley now?"

Mmmmmmmmmno. Nonono. That was the wrong thing to say. Because that implied that I just move from one dude to the other like the hobag everyone thinks I am. And second-of-ly, no, I am not WITH Riley. I even told Riley myself that he was jailbait to me. Jokingly of course. But it was still the truth. And yuck. No.

Here's another example not involving me:

A girl in apparel I work with was seen walking around with one of the guys from home and the entire store assumed she was cheating on her husband with this guy.

Uh...I don't know about that, but my point is the store needs to mind its own damn business.


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