Doppler radar, 07/20/06
What's crazy is that Surly and i were on the southern edge of town tonight. Driving home, we noticed it start getting wet (as it was fairly dry where we were) and then wetter, and then some rain, and then we hit downtown and the whole way from 10th Street to the Bypass it was like crossing the River Jordan. (That was for you local folks. ;) I mean, we're talking several intersections and streets that were flooded the way Kirkwood floods during (but not after) a crazy-ass downpour. The part of Cascades River that runs through Miller-Showers Park was overtopping the retainer walls and almost as high as the lowest point of the pedestrian bridge across it. *Crazy.*
And now, it's starting to rain and thunder, because the real storm is moving in. Whee!1 This is gonna be awesome. (My advice is to not go out driving right now if you can avoid it, yo.)
(Hey, at least it's not a