Feb 08, 2006 07:15
So i'm driving up to school yesterday, drinking my morning Blue Bunny Yogurt Smoothie (which i'd be shilling even if my sister *didn't* work for BB), and i realize it's a bit old, and maybe a bit off. Not "oh my god i'm chewing my yogurt" off, just "huh. I'm not so sure about this." So i check the cap for the expiration date, but all i see is MARIO 06 A11 and what looks like a time stamp, and i write it off as being some weird plant/bottling/distribution code. I look *all over* the rest of the damn bottle, but i don't find anything else, and i'm a bit annoyed.
Until this morning when i pull another Yogurt Smoothie out of the fridge and notice that it's a bit dinged up, and it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the back of the fridge. So, once again, i look at the top of the cap and notice that it says MAR04 06 A11 blah blah blah.
...Which is when i realize that my initial cap was not, in fact, bottled on the Mario machine or anything, and that it did, in fact, have a sell-by date.
Sigh. (;
blue bunny,