...so many things to do/that could be done tonight.
my choices at hand:
- work on music. this is the most compelling at the moment, although i'm really missing Surly on this one--i'm at a point with one of the songs i'm working on where i could use someone else hearing it and giving some feedback. i'm also kind of at the point where i'm afraid that if i keep going the direction i'm headed, i'm gonna end up with a rather unweildy number of tracks--not unweildy from a listener's perspective, just from a writing/processor capacity one. and that's just my current Garage Band project--there are a few other things i've been meaning to do, like play bass, that i could do tonight. anyway, it's been far too long since i've sat down and done *anything* musical, and so i'm both thrilled at how well i've done so far on my song and a little taken with the idea of doing something music-like.
- do homework. ...yeah, not gonna happen tonight. probably what friday and saturday will be for.
- bake cookies. coz frankly, i've been meaning to for a while, and today i went out and bought the stuff. baking cookies today means a)getting that batch in the mail that i've been talking about for months now, and b)having cookies to take to Mom's house (coz that's all we need at Thanksgiving, more food).
- watch Season 1 Smallville, which i really should watch and get back to feyangel. if i do this, i'll probably end up combining it with the cookie-baking.
- watch Supernatural. okay...this one's gonna happen regardless of the rest. after all, i wouldn't miss out on my chance for Wincest. *g*
- call the Supernatural phone number. apparently there's a new message, and an email address. i dunno...i'm vaguely afraid someone might answer.
so yeah. what to do, what to do...