just got back from watching A History of Violence after spending a portion of the boring parts of today thinking about this week's Supernatural. i'm interested in geeking out about them...but i have the feeling i should just save myself the time and trouble and email/talk to
moonandserpent directly.
plus i need some time to process.
short thoughts: AHoV was brutal in its stark (Stark?) realism, which is what made it work. Viggo Mortenson is a total cowboy, no matter how hard he pretends otherwise, and Maria Bello was ridiculously underrated in the critical reviews for that movie.
Supe may have just found the Interesting it needed. it left several unanswered questions, the most important of which is, will the show be able to handle getting us to the answers? seriously, i think that if this show's gonna rock, we'll look back on last Tuesday's episode and say 'and that's where this show got interesting.'
although, not to be a snob or nothin', but i imagine bleeding from the eyes--even for a little bit--would kind of suck a lot, from a medical standpoint. but then again, not bleeding from the eyes wouldn't have been very dramatically appropriate.
...finally, i just last night discovered iTunes Radio whilst studying, and now i don't know how i made it this far without it.