a few of you out there are fans, so this is cut for those who don't want spoilers...
aright, so i finally caught the encore of this week's Supernatural, and...well, i'm still a fan.
not horribly surprised that they went for the Wendigo myth this week. (actually, i guessed it about 10 or 15 minutes in and got all excited when they went for the book and said 'ohhh, this is a Wendigo!1' i also started going doot doot doot deet deet deet deet until Surly made me stop.) they got the mythology pretty good, in that quick rundown sort of way that they do.
honestly, what cracked me up was not just the constant Ravenous thoughts, but also the fact that not two weeks ago, i read the Days of Future Past TPB, which includes the story of Wolverine and Alpha Flight taking down the Wendeego. and i hate to break it to our pretty boys, but minus the crazy spandex costumes and the burnination of the Wendigo at the end, they pretty much followed the X-men comic to the letter.
i liked that Dean showed a little depth in this episode; i'm not sure how i feel about Sammy's flipping out. while it makes sense that he's emotionally out of whack, he did very little 'omigod my girlfriend's dead' and a whole lot of 'grr!1 oh and we should find Dad.' while i understand transferring the way he feels into finding their dad, the 'dude, it's okay, he wants us to not find him' explanation of Dean's was a little weird.
anyway. i'm curious as to what other people thought, and how much y'all dig it.
in other news, Surly and i caught the first-ever episode of Smallville on the WB today. (yes, i know, we're only 5 years behind...) ironically enough, we've got Season 1 queued on Netflix. we caught a commercial for Season 5, too, and...it looks like it's gonna be excellent, too. which leads to the question--should we watch 5 without having seen the rest of the show, or should we wait and catch up on the DVDs of the past seasons first? if it helps, we've seen *some* (but not all, and no idea in what order) of Season 4 over the summer. any thoughts or advice?