O hai thar, Yuletider!

Oct 18, 2013 20:42

Hello! Soooooo, yes, hiya. I've never done Yuletide before, and i have a bad tendency to ramble; sorry if this is ridiculous or overly long. I'll try to rein it in.

So, let's see. Hi, i'm k8, i'm an Aquarius, i like long walks on the beach.... oh wait, that's not what you want to know. Ahem. First, i think you're great and am excited to see what you come up with, whatever that may be! The following are meant more as... guidelines. (;

As far as fandomness goes, i have a couple of magic bullets; the first is that i'm a big fan of characters who are emotionally constipated or just fucking clueless about feelings (their own and/or others). I think this is a thread that runs through all of my requests, really (except maybe '39, but we'll get there); characters who don't really know how they feel, or aren't cognizant of the impact that their underlying feelings have on their actions. I especially like it when two of these people fall into bed together and don't talk about it, because reasons. That's not to say that i like characters that don't feel! I just tend to be fond of fictional people who are allergic to the L word (and no, i don't mean lesbians) and/or commitment. It's a thing. *shrug*

The other one would be that i love a good crossover, so if there's something else you think would work with your selection, go for broke! Seriously, one of the things i absolutely love about Yuletide is that we end up getting some wildly unexpected stories that never might have happened otherwise. Take the risk, if that's your thing.

Otherwise, i'm pretty open to most things. I am down with gen, slash and/or het; i love a good team!fic; i am a fan of pretty much all genres, from humor to romance to drama (although i'm a little over the zombie apocalypse). The only real squicks i have are rape/non-con (dub-con's okay, although i prefer it in a pre-negotiated way rather than 'it's okay because they liked it after all') and incest. I'll warn you, i'm a nurse, so i can be a little picky about medical stuff (although as long as no one's walking around on a freshly broken compound fracture i can usually get over it). My Archive of Our Own page can be found here, and while i've fallen off the bookmarking wagon lately, i think you can get a decent idea for what i tend to go for there if you want to do any further sluething.

And finally, i went with a fairly minimalist approach here; generally, i picked the character i most want to see appear in the fic, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be about them or from their point of view. They're just the ones i love the mostest.

Okay! TO THE PAIN! ...Er, to the fandoms!

Tim Gutterson

First, i am a big fan of Team Marshal in all its forms - whether it's Raylan talking Tim into doing something he knows he shouldn't, or Rachel bailing one or both of them out, or Art playing disappointed dad, or all of them being massively competent professionally while being utter shitshows in their personal lives.

Speaking of emotionally constipated assholes that make bad decisions because reasons, Tim Gutterson, ladies and gentlemen. He's a lot more subtle about his bad decisions, but as Art said, it's not a matter of if that time bomb will go off, but when. Like i said above, his name's on the tin because he's the one that i want to see the most; a Tim-centric fic would be great but is totally not a requirement. (And i've seen through Season 4, if you're worried about spoilers.)

Things i'd love to see: Did i mention Team Marshal? Tim having to deal with the aftereffects of Season 4, with or without the help of anyone else. Something that plays off of the ways different characters end up being foils for each other (and i think there are some really fabulous and fascinating parallels in Season 4 between Raylan and Boyd, and Tim and Colton, as well as Raylan and Tim). A story that checks in with Loretta, even if it's just something like Raylan transferring his paternal obligation onto her because he can't deal with his own kid. Again, just some thoughts; don't feel like you need to do any of this.

Basically, i love all of the characters on this damn show, even the bad guys, and anything you want to do with them would be pretty boss.

The Sandbaggers
Willie Caine

THIS SHOW. I also have a ridiculous love for the Cold War and for brutal realism, and i have long adored the fact that The Sandbaggers made no bones about the drudgery and bureaucratic nonsense of the spy business. To me, Willie Caine's the heart to Burnside's brains.

Again, i love a good teamfic. I would be down with all sorts of stories, whether they be Burnside sneaking around behind someone's back because he knows (or thinks) he's in the right, or a look at Willie following the series finale (and i like what Ray Lonnen said, that Willie was going to be back as D-Ops and in a wheelchair), or Willie and Mike shooting the shit in the hutch on a day when the phones don't ring. Again, this is a show where i love all of the characters and any sort of situation you might want to put them into.

The Brothers Bloom
All characters

SPEAKING OF EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED ASSHOLES. Man, i don't even with this movie. Things about it i love: Bang-Bang, in all her varied and wonderous forms. Stephen and Bloom's inability to exist without each other. Penelope's ability to go 'oh... cool!' throughout. The timeless anachronism of the whole damn thing.

I don't even know what kind of story i would want, and i apologize for that. Bang-Bang and Penelope taking over the world, with or without Bloom, or maybe just having some hijinks together. What happens when things fall apart, or what happens when they don't. What sort of previous encounter(s) the brothers had with Diamond Dog. Seriously, anything would be great.

Clone High
Joan of Arc

I have a deep and nerdy love for this show and all of its ridiculousness. I love the 'very special episode' format, i love the ridiculous, neurotic high schoolers, i love that on top of being high schoolers all of the characters have the worry of living up to their genetic ancestors and the things they did. (Also, MAKEOVER!)

And really, i would love to see anything that you do with this - whether it's a straight up ridiculous 'very special episode' sort of story, or an 'if Clone High was My So-Called Life' in a serious, teen-angst sort of way, or maybe just Clone High as experienced by Mr. Butlertron, or the Very Secret Diary of Cinnamon J. Scudworth. Seriously, yo, the possibilities are endless and you should feel free to do whatever makes you happiest.

Again, Joan is listed because i <3 Joan, but i love the whole cast like woah and you should feel free to go to town.

'39 - Queen (Song)
All characters

Okay, so this is basically Why I Love Yuletide, because it has some amazing things that i never would have expected that crop up. I honestly don't even know what to expect from a story about '39, other than it would be fabulous.

What i love about this song: The very Gift of the Magi-esque irony, that the volunteers set out to discover a new world yet returned to find the world they knew long gone; the romantic tragedy of it all; the fact that Brian May wrote a freaking sci-fi folk song. I think this is pretty open to all sorts of amazing possibility - a story from the perspective of one of the volunteers/the narrator of the song, or from someone they left behind, or the (grand)child of someone left behind to wait, or even from someone unconnected to the main narrative, like the only person still alive who remembers the volunteers leaving. To be honest you could probably film yourself doing interpretive dance and I would think it pretty great, so.

Just remember: Ne'er look back, never fear, never cry. (;

And finally, thank you so so so much! This is my first Yuletide, and already i'm a little overwhelmed by how intimidating it is to write something for a complete stranger. I'm super-excited that you're writing for me, and i can't wait to see what you come up with. You're the bee's knees, anon! <3

Happy Yuletiding!

fandom is my homeboy

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