Another Mother filled weekend !!

Aug 04, 2006 18:19

I've been conned into driving down to Leamington Upon Spar at the weekend to see my Mam and her new boyfriend !!

I know that sounds awful but, seeing as though I only saw her last week and she has been stopping me having quality Frog time, its quite not fair !
But I suppose I did get a ticket to see my beloved Sunderland out of it..

Jo and I are going down tomorrow (Have to drive 3 1/2 hrs) meeting all of Rogers family all in one go and I'm not comfortable with that either, I need time to get to know people before I can be normal !!
Then on Sunday I'm off to the match while Jo and Mam are going shopping Haha I got the good end of the bargain !!!

Driving back up with Mother in tow on Sunday afternoon/night so she can go on holiday with her friend.

Well I better go and make myself look semi-decent for my Frog

See ya soon

And if your reading this Jean, you must speak more often with Jo, She's been worried sick about you !! You naughty naughty Irish babe you !!!


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