(no subject)

Jul 08, 2005 22:43

Well I have read a couple of comments other lovely people have posted on here, so tonight my words are going off subject as a mark of respect for several people.

One the one hand , we have Mr Bush and Mr Blair, going into countries and killing people in the name of peace.
How can it be peaceful, An eye for an eye, two wrongs don't make a right.
I agree that something needs to be done about terrorism, but bombing the living daylights out of places like Afghanistan only breeds more violence.
But what are the options, sit round a table with a buch of religious lunatics, some how i can't see that working, these people hate our civilised western world with a passion. Maybe it is all America's fault after all they have betrayed and disapointed them time after time after time, never given them help when they asked.
All in all there is absolutley no excuse for the talking of another person's life, you can't dress it with religion, or cloak it in the name of peace, it just dosen't wash.
Ignorance is bliss - Racism, Homophobia, Religious beliefs. Already too many people have died under these banners, You stand up for what you belive in and someone will be there to shoot you down, People need to be educated not just abroad but here in this country even more so. Racism and Homophobia have been around for more years than any of us can remember, why ?........... Why haven't people not just the goverment but us as indviduals tried to educate people properly, ok there was the "kick the racism out of football" but that is only good on a saturday afternoon when different cultures mix for the good of one team, but on the Sunday their cutting each others throats out.
I'm afraid to say that we will never see the end of culutral violence, there will always be one person there to stir up hatred and its sick, there is absolutley no reason why we all cant live, work and play together as one big happy family, there is so much we can learn form each other, but this small minded minority will keep spoiling it !

And on the other hand we have residentmartian who is currently fund raising for a trip to Zambia in aid of a Childrens ward, so I think we should all give her a pat on the back and say good for you!

The world is a mixed up place indeed, and there are a lot more troulbles than cold blooded murder.
But I'm not going to go into that as its not the time or the place

Im just going to say good night and peace
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